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Post Op


The day of the treatment: Absorb


The day of the treatment-Absorb lymph fluid for 10-15 min directly after procedure: 

After the procedure, gently blot the area with a clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid. Do this as needed until the secretion of fluid has stopped. Removing the fluid prevents hardening of the lymphatic fluids that form thick premature scabs. 


Day 1-5: 

The first 5 nights gently clean your brows with the green soap (provided) using a cotton pad (provided). Do this with a wiping motion 3-4 times across each brow. Then, using a new cotton pad with clean water, wipe 3-4 times across the brow again to remove green soap residue. Do the cleanings after you wipe off all your makeup. This should be the only fluid that touches your brows for 10-12 days.  


In the mornings, apply a tiny amount of ointment (provided) with a cotton swab. Keep the amount of ointment light. In the scab stage apply ointment by ‘rolling’ a q-tip across the brow, you do not want to spread the ointment using a pulling or tugging motion, this can pull scabs. Once applied, then roll  another q-tip to pick up any excess ointment as needed. Never put the ointment on wet or damp brows as it will trap moisture. You will apply ointment once a day until the majority of scabs are gone around day 11-12.  


IF YOU HAVE OILY SKIN: You may only need to apply ointment every other day.  You’re skin may provide enough oils. If your scabs are dry and flaky, that is when you want to apply. .  If you have questions on whether you need to, please contact me.  


Hair washing: We do not want to get your brows wet when washing your hair or have products come into contact with them.  So when when you need to wash your hair, try tilting your head far back and shield your brows with your hands, or wash your hair in a sink or tub. If you get a little spray don’t panic just pat dry.  


To wash your face: Use a washcloth or makeup wipes, avoiding your eyebrows. Use this method to wash face for about 12 days. If you can manage softly cupping water onto the lower half of your face you can do that if you feel like you need rinse. The last days (days 10-12), if your scabs are almost gone, you may rinse your whole face after wiping it off if youre really struggling and want to get your face wet. Just keep it minimal, with water only, and pat try after!  


When putting on facial moisturizer and makeup, avoid getting onto or against eyebrows for 12 days.  


Days 6-12  

On day 6 you will discontinue the greensoap/water cleaning that you did on days 1-5. From here on out you will only apply the ointment provided to your brows and still keep them dry (away from water, sweat, makeup, etc).  On day 4-6, your skin will begin to scab up; this is normal and necessary for proper healing. During the flaking of the scabbing stage (days 7-12), be more careful when applying the ointment by using that rolling method. Any “spreading” of ointment can pull off scabs before they are ready and pull out pigment. The ointment will help moisturize and retain the scabbing. Do this until majority of the scabs are gone (usually around day 11-12). 


Day 12 

You’re just about done! At this point, check to see if all scabs are gone. If you still have some, continue the aftercare until all scabs have cleared. Everyone heals differently and this is normal if you take a little longer. After all those scabs have cleared you can go about your normal routine, don’t be afraid to moisturize your brows now with your moisturizer (as long as its not anti-aging or has acids in it). Sometimes scabs that have fallen off are lingering trapped behind your brow hair, giving the illusion that they are still attached. If you think this may be the case, you may lightly brush the brows with a brow brush to remove them from behind the hair.  


Milk Skin Stage: *NOTE: As scabs fall off, the skin left behind is in the “milk skin stage”. This is newer, freshly healed skin that has a milky appearance that clouds the pigment significantly. You will think that your brows disappeared, but don’t worry, they didn’t! As that milk skin sheds the pigment underneath will soon “bloom” and you will see it again. The end of the 3rd week is when you'll really see what pigment you're left with.  


Lightness and unevenness is normal and common after your first appointment and that is why its important to utilize the touch up appointment.  


Remember, with the proper prep and aftercare routine, you will have good results with your procedure.   



Here are some more important tips to help with smooth, proper healing and great ink retention:​


  • To reiterate: keep brows dry when not doing cleaning, especially when showering and don’t wash face as you normal would. Submerging brows in water will wash away ink, this includes sweat!

  • Avoid sweating for 12 days.

  • After your permanent cosmetic procedure, physical activities such as bathing of the face (or procedural area), recreational swimming, gardening, and contact with animals is restricted for the duration of 12 days. This is the duration of healing time for the treated area.

  • Use a fresh pillowcase while you sleep.

  • Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color.

  • Do not use peroxide, Aquaphor, Vaseline, or Neosporin on any areas, use only the ointment that was supplied to you.

  • No facials, chemical treatments, or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning on the area after the procedure.  Wear a hat when outdoors. Wear sunscreen on brows (after 12 post procedure) to avoid fading over time.

  • Avoid steam rooms and saunas

  • Avoid makeup and facial products on and around the area for 12 days, including moisturizer.

  • AVOID using Retin A, Renova, Alpha Hydroxy, Glycolic Acids, retinol, acids, or any other exfoliating products on the brows for the LIFE OF THE TATTOO. They will alter the color and cause premature exfoliation of the pigment over time leading to unwanted colors due to pigment breakdown. Your brows will also fade quicker over time by using these as they promote cellular turnover.

  • After your brows are healed, protect them from the sun for the LIFE OF THE TATTOO with hats/and or sunscreen


***Signs and symptoms of infection, include but are not limited to, redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedural site, red streaks going from the procedural site towards the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site. If you are experiencing any of these signs or symptoms, seek medical care immediately.


*Please contact your healthcare practitioner at first sign of infection and report to your artist and public health department*

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